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Legal Notice

Company's Headquarters

Victor's Residenz-Hotels GmbH
Aroser Allee 84
D-13407 Berlin
Phone: +49 1805 115114
(14 c/min from German landline numbers, max. 42 c/min from German mobile phone networks)


Susanne Kleehaas, Birgit Winter

Competent County Court and Commercial Register Number: HRB 93296 B
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Ust-IdNr.: DE 813 097 641

design and development

workmatrix GmbH
Jordanstrasse 18
88444 Ummendorf
Tel: +49 7351 42 17 20

Disclaimer of Liability

Victor's Residenz-Hotels GmbH does not warrant the currency, accuracy, or completeness of the information supplied on this website. The same applies to any links referred to - directly or indirectly - from this site. Victor's Residenz-Hotels GmbH has no influence on the content and realisation of other linked pages and expressly distances itself from the contents of all external websites.

Victor's Residenz-Hotels GmbH reserves the right to change or amend the information supplied on this website without any obligation to notify past, current, or prospective visitors of this site.

Copyright Notice

The contents of this website are the exclusive property of Victor's Residenz-Hotels GmbH. The information and graphics contained on this site may not be reproduced without the explicit prior written permission of Victor's Residenz-Hotels GmbH.

Photo credits

Victor's Website Content and Realisation

Victor's Residenz-Hotels
Central Marketing
Deutschmühlental 19
D-66117 Saarbrücken
Phone: +49 1805 115114
(14 c/min from German landline numbers, max. 42 c/min from German mobile phone networks)
Fax: +49 681 93613-688